Tuesday, March 29, 2011

not Just a housewife...

Recently I've been following this website...


I have been so loving reading this site, it makes me want to be more handy and crafty.

Now, I try to make dinner for my cute husband and keep the house in tip top shape. But I admit, I'll ignore the dishes , laundry, and dust to catch up on my tv shows or homework.

But I am so amazed that this lady does so much, Plus 4 kids. So, I'm going to just put this out there...

From now on, no more procrastination on housework, and projects.
...Since my mind only works if there's post-it's involved. Here are some
1. Paint that darling crib that i got for free. To jet black, sand all the edges down. To have that "country look"
2. Keep up on cleaning our bathroom-- have you ever noticed that hairspray sticks and creates this film over all your bathroom? Well, my hairspray does that. & i know that my husband thinks it gross, yet he never says anything.. (i know lucky right?) :) But, I will clean off hairspray film from my bathroom every day.
3. My fridge... no comment. my fridge will be clean.
4. Organize laundry, and do vinyl lettering i've been dying to do for forever
5. Cook dinner Every night for a week! 1 week straight.

Hold me to this!

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