Tuesday, March 29, 2011

mr right

I saw on fb the other day, an old high school friend of mine said her husband was her forever friend. how sweet is that?

josh is definitely my forever friend.

have you ever had one of those weeks? Anxious, Nervous, Excited all crammed into one?
Well, these past two weeks have been that way.
i'm so so so grateful to have Josh. He is my rock. He is always lifting me up, helping me out, and loving me no matter what.
We're coming up on our 3 year anniversary in May, and i'm just amazed at how quickly time flies! We are still just as madly in love now as when we met 4 years ago.
i'm just so grateful for this guy.

i love you forever, josh.


  1. That really is sweet I haven't ever thought about it like that before but I really like that. Forever friend!! So cute. How have you been lately? cute blog!

  2. Thanks Megan! I'm hoping to get back into blogging, so this is just an "attempt" I'm doing really well. How are you? your sweet Hayden is so cute!
