Thursday, April 28, 2011

A break at last!

This past week, Josh & I finished finals finally! He had crazy hard O'chem & Immunology Finals, I had Gov, Health, Theatre, Math. So not fun! What is fun is that I almost have my degree!
So we have a week and a half break before Summer semester begins... Yes, we'll both be working but still no added school stress!

On Wednesday, My little brother (Cam) left on his mission to Richmond, Virginia. I have another brother on a mission right now in Dallas, TX and it's been so fun to send these two boys off, I'll miss them both dearly. But am excited for their experiences.

& It's finally Spring!I absolutely LOVE working in my yard!! Probably one of my favorite things to do in the whole wide world :)

So Josh & I have been doing the brick path, transporting my strawberries to a new & improved area. Cleaning up all dead and old leaves.
Pretty much just cleaning everything up for Spring
& Next week, we're looking at flowers... I am stoked!

I'm trying to upload the yard pictures from last summer, but my computer is being a stinker. Yay for Spring!!

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